Sunday's Promise: Faith
Though I might not understand why adversity happens, by my conscious choice I will find strength, compassion, and grace through my trials.
I think of faith as being the marriage of two things – fidelity and trust. Fidelity is being faithful to
something or someone – a cause, a partnership, an employer, a spouse or a friend. Trust is having faith in someone or something – a spouse or a friend, a business or an employer, the future, a higher power. If you’re a long-time reader you know that part of our mission at Values Coach is to help eradicate toxic emotional negativity – as reflected in bitching, moaning, whining, and complaining – the other BMW Club! – from the workplace, and hopefully from families and the broader community.
You see, complaining is the anti-prayer. Any time you complain, instead of expressing gratitude
for the blessings in your life (and if you live in America as opposed to Haiti or Somalia or
Afghanistan those blessings are many indeed), you are whining about not having been given enough.
Sunday’s Promise is the capstone of The Self-Empowerment Pledge because it predisposes you to being more open to the many blessings and gifts that a spirit of self-empowerment will bring into your life, and to appreciating those many blessings rather than complaining that –however manifold those blessings are – they just are not enough.