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The Sieve And The Sand

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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I is for I

J is for Judging.
There seems to be a lot of judging. Whether it's singling one person out or judging a whole group. It's not always good judgment either. Like how Clarisse and her family were judged, just because they were actually thinkers.

Photo by TheeErin

K is for Kerosene.
Kerosene burns the houses with the books, making everything burst in flames. It ruins lives, and destroys what books are left.

Photo by Kiwi NZ

L is for Listening.
In the society that they live in, either everyone listens or nobody does at all. They all do it together. In the past, they all listened when the idea of burning books and getting rid of anything that made you angry, or anything of that sort. Now, they continue to all listen (with the exception of those few with the books, or people like Clarisse). While they are technically listening with society, they aren't listening at the same time. They aren't listening to the ones who stand out like Clarisse, society doesn't pay attention to what those people are saying.

Photo by lukeroberts

M is for Magic.
Some say there is magic in the books that no one can read or own. Those some would be correct. No one else knows it though, since they don't want to have emotions. People like Beatty, can't find the magic cause they are concentrated on the negatives.

Photo by JD Hancock

N is for Numbness.
Montag says he is numb a few times. He's not the only one in this society that's numb. Everyone is numb, not feeling any emotion at all.

Photo by Ardinnnn :)

O is for Obsolete.
In the past when they decided to start anew with the idea of burning books, and destroying what makes them unhappy, they were obsoleting. So instead of dealing with the emotions of life, they got rid of everything that made them feel things they didn't like.

P is for Parlours.
Mildred's 'family'. She loves it more then anything, will not shut it off for the life of her. The parlour walls surround her. As well as many others. It is only t.v., yet she treats it like a family member or maybe even a pet. Everyone listens to the parlour walls, but the parlour walls don't listen back.

Photo by soundman1024

Q is for Question.
Many people have questions, like Clarisse and Montag. Clarisse asks Montag many questions about Montags happiness, or the moon. Montag then questions himself and comes to the conclusion that he is not a happy person.

Photo by Leo Reynolds


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