I is for Insightful Clarisse McClellan is a very insightful person, constantly wondering about the wonders of the world. Slowly, her insightfulness rubs off on Guy Montag. With this insight Guy realizes the troubles of the world, and starts going against the culture of society.
J is for Joy Montag asks Faber how so much joy could be found in a book, or in other words, what makes a book full of joy? Faber answers this question giving three reasons. First of all, there is the quality that comes with books, secondly there's the leisure time that comes with it, and lastly there's the ability to act upon what you learned in the story.
K is for Killing Sadly, since life is so dull, many teenagers seek dangerous events for entertainment. One of these things is killing one another is brawls or games. For example, one of the ways many teenagers die is through a game where two teens drive cars towards one another, and the first one to chicken out and turn loses.
L is for Listen Often, Montag after work would walk with Clarisse back to his house. They would listen to one another, when no one else would. Montag found tk relaxing and interesting to listen to Clarisse talk.
M is for Montag Guy Montag is the main protagonist of the book, and is a very shifty character. In the beginning of the book, Guy Montag is a willing fireman, burning books and living life as the normal citizen. But as the book progresses, Montag begins discovering that everything is not alright with the way he lives, and starts to go against society.
N is for Narcissistic In Fahrenheit 451, Montag's wife, Mildred, is very narcissistic, or full of herself. She never thinks of anybody but herself, constantly worrying about how situations will affect her and not others. Also, she doesn't really care about anybody else's life but hers, as shown when she goes out killing dogs and cats for fun.
O is for Opposite The opposite of what society believes is what Clarisse and eventually Montag begin doing. Instead of sitting by and letting life happen without a thought, both have a curiosity about the world, are constantly wondering and thinking about the littlest of things. Being the opposite society is dangerous, because the people see being this way as a threat to their culture.
P is for Paper Monatg's job as a fireman is to burn books,or otherwise the paper that is within them. Current society fears these paper pages because they bring unhappiness, unequality, or thinking to you. It's funny how one could fear a piece of paper, or how much power these pieces of paper have over people.
Q is for Quarrel Mildred and Montag begin quarreling a lot when Montag begins realizing that Mildred is clueless to her life. She can't remember where her and Montag met first, along with other things, and this gets Montag very angry. All that Mildred every focuses on is her television "family".