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* Derek, Emma, Nate, Skyler
* May 29, 2014
* Block 1
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The Sign

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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the sign of the beaver

Elizabeth George Speare
* Derek, Emma, Nate, Skyler
* May 29, 2014
* Block 1
Photo by Conrad Kuiper

the sign of the beaver

Elizabeth George Speare
* Derek, Emma, Nate, Skyler
* May 29, 2014
* Block 1
Photo by Conrad Kuiper


main charactor
Matt is a intelligent, kind, adventurous boy. He explores the woods everyday on his way to hunt and fish for survival. Matt is also nice because he teaches Attean to read. In order to survive Matt has to be a fast learner. He uses Native American techniques and learns how to make and use a bow and arrow.
Photo by pntphoto


main charactor
Attean is kind and responsible.

Attean chooses to help Matt survive and make weapons.
He is responsible because he takes care of Matt by bringing him food while his father is away.
Photo by spencer77


main charactor
Saknis is Attean's grandfather. He takes cares of him since his mom and dad are past away. Saknis takes care of Matt after Matt got stung by the bees. Matt gets very hurt so Saknis had to bring him home and feed him.


main charactor
Ben is a bad man!

He went to Matt's house where he asked to come in. When he came in Matt cook dinner. Without asking he slept over. When Matt woke up Ben and his riffle was gone.
Photo by kenteegardin


The forest is setting of the story where most of the events happened like.....

* Where Attean killed the bear and then had the feast.

*Matt found the sign of the beaver on the tree. It is important because it shows the way to the Indian village

* Attean found his dog in the woods in a steal trap which is hard to break open.


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The plot of the story is when Matt get stung by the bees and Saknis , and Attean take care of him.
The reason that Matt taught Attean how to read is because Saknis and Matt saved his life so he thought that he should repay them.

Photo by blumenbiene


Matt's father left Matt alone in the cabin to go pick up his family. His family are trying to find land in the country. Ben comes along, Matt invites him in, and he steals his gun.
When he wanted honey he got stung from the bees, Attean and Saknis save his life. In return Matt teaches him how to read. After Matt is done reading, Attean teaches his tribe the bible.
Matts father comes home with his family, but when they come home the new baby dies. Attean found his spirit and becomes a man so he leaves with his tribe. Matt didn't even get to say good bye.
Photo by blmiers2