Untitled Slide
Learning a new word depends on the student's previous knowledge.
Word chart is used to practice reading.
By forming phrases and sentences
The teacher does not praise or criticize students
Errors are important and necessary to learning.
They show teacher where things were unclear.
The teacher mouths the correct sound, but does not vocalize it!
The teacher care about the student progress more than perfection.
A teacher silence helps to observe each student closely.
Concentration is required
Because student will depend on their minds. There is no repetition.
Students can freely explore language by making different phrases and sentences on the word chart.
Homework and tests are not part of this teaching method.
The syllabus is built upon students progress in class.
Not in a linear fashion.
What are the goals of the teachers who use the silent way?
What is the role of the teacher?
What is the role of the student?
What are some characteristics of teaching/learning process?
What is the nature of the student/teacher interaction?
What is the nature of student/student interaction?
How is the feelings of the student dealt with?
How is language viewed?
How is culture viewed?
What areas of language are emphasized?
What language skill are emphasized?
What is the role of the student's native language?
How is evaluation accomplished?
How does the teacher respond to the student error?