The Smartphone Generation
"The digital underclass can't fully participate in a society that has migrated most essential services online."
Angelina Chapin
The original digital divide
- the 'haves and have nots'
- the 'haves and have nots'
- origins
- 14% online
- socioeconomic groups still vary
- 42% use a computer
- race, education, age, income were factors
the changing digital divide
- falling costs of technology
- falling costs of technology
- availability of public computers
- availability of public computers
- Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi
- disparities between socioeconomic groups fading
- disparities between socioeconomic groups fading
- 95% of our students have a computer at home
- 95% of SCC students have a computer at home
Internet Access in 2014
- 87% of people use the Internet
- Internet users fairly distributed socioeconomically
- 15% of population do not use the Internet
The digital divide in 2014
- access is still an issue
- computer ownership
- cost is still an issue
- digital skills
"The Digital Divide is a spectrum. Rather than haves and have-nots, it's made up of people suffering from varying degrees of disconnection."
Angela Chapin
High speed internet
- necessary for certain techologies
- necessary for certain techologies
- Kentucky ranked 45th
- Kentucky ranked 45th
- 58% of Kentuckians have broadband at home
- 58% of Kentuckians have broadband at home
- still divided socioeconomically
High speed internet
- socioeconomic statistics
- cost statistics
cloud com·put·ing
The practice of storing personal data on Internet servers instead of on a local device.
- cost still an issue
- cost still an issue
- demographics
- statistics
- different Internet experience
- different Internet experience
- cost still an issue
- demographics
- different Internet experience
Digital skills
- greater access=improved critical engagement?
- greater access=improved critical engagement?
- Digital skills are a result of Internet usage.
- Digital skills are a result of Internet usage.
- Divide still defined by socioeconomic groups
- Divide still defined by traditional socioeconomic groups
- Statistics
How the digital divide has decreased digital literacy skills in your area?
Project Information Literacy
- fdsafd
- Non-profit, national study
- Partnership with U. of Washington Information School
- fdafdas
- Enrolled in colleges/universities across the US.
- fdafdas
- fdafdas
- fdasfdsafdas
How students are using librar*
"born digital"
digital technologies are a constant feature
information literacy components are constantly being formed, reformed and practiced
Student thoughts on library databases
Student thoughts on librarians/libraries
What gives?
- devices=instant satisfaction=less likely to ask
- devices=instant satisfaction=less likely to ask
- still see libraries as place, not service
- still see libraries as place, not service
librarians as tech leaders
How students are using information
Too much information
- Juggling
- Juggling
- "Lost in a thicket of information overload"
- "Lost in a thicket of information overload"
- 80% report "overwhelming difficulties"
- 80% report "overwhelming difficulties"
- Navigate in smaller circles--tried and true
- Navigate in smaller circles--tried and true
Tried and True Resources
- Google
- Google
- Course readings
- Course readings
- Library databases
- Library databases
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia
When researching, students refer to...
Students lack a complete understanding of search engines and their functions, yet often default to searching Google.
Continuing Library Instruction
actively teaching/demonstrating...
- difference between internet/library resources
- difference between internet/library resources
- search engines/websites/databases
- search engines/websites/databases
- better search strategy
- better search strategy
Tell us! What are your solutions for the digital divide and the resulting lack of digital skills?