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Photo by fractalSpawn


  • The Sun,a yellow dwarf star in the middle of our Solar System orbits every 25000 light years.It rotates every 24 days,it goes in a anti-clockwise direction.The Sun's temperature is 5,778k. The Sun's speed is 220 km per second.The Sun is like oxygen to us,for instance without the Sun there would be no nutrients and the Earth would be stone cold.


  • Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun,Mercury was named after the Messenger of the Gods.Mercury orbits every 88 days and rotates every 59 days,it goes in a anti-clockwise direction on 0.1 degrees tilt. Mercury's speed is 10,623 km per hour.


  • Venus is the second planet from the Sun,Venus was named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. Venus orbits every 225 days and rotates every 243 days in a clockwise direction on 117 degree tilt. Venus speed is 126,077 km per hour.


  • Earth,our home is the third planet from the Sun. Earth orbits every 365.267 days and rotates every 23 hours and 56 minutes which gives us night and day. Earth's speed is 100 miles per hour.Earth is tilted on 23 degree axis.Earth has one natural satellite the Moon.


  • The Moon is Earth's natural satellite.The Moon orbits Earth every 27 days and 43 minutes. The Moon is 4.53 billion years old. The Moon's surface has a lot of craters. The Moons speed is 10 miles per hour.


  • Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun,Mars was named after the Roman God of war. Mars orbit is every 687 days and Mars rotation is every 24 hours and 39 minutes on a 25 degree tilt at a anti-clockwise direction. Mars speed is 86,871 km per hour. Mars has two Moons Phobos and Deimos. Phobos orbits is every 8 hours and Deimos orbits Mars every 30.3 hours.


  • Ceres is a dwarf planet located in The Asteroid Belt. Ceres orbit is every 1,680 days and rotates every 9 hours. Ceres is the largest object in The Asteroid Belt.


  • The Asteroid Belt is a belt with asteroids floating with there own gravity.It is located between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is also located in The Asteroid Belt.


  • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. Jupiter is known for it's Great Red Spot.The Great Red Spot is a area size of the Earth with violently spinning gasses and storms. Jupiter orbits every 12 years and rotates every 9.9 years going anti-clockwise on a 0.03 degree axis. Jupiter is huge and has 67 moons.Jupiter's speed us 47,051 km per hour. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.


  • Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Saturns orbit is every 29 years and Saturns rotation is 10 hours, Saturn goes in a anti-clockwise direction on 26 degree tilt. Saturn's speed is 34,821 km per a hour. Saturn has a whopping 53 moons.


  • Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is believed to have diamonds on it. Uranus orbit is every 84 years and Uranus rotation is 17 hours and 14 minutes. Uranus speed is 34,821 km per hour. Uranus goes a circle up and down on a 97 degree axis. Uranus has 27 moons.


  • Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. Neptune's orbit is every 12 years and rotation is every 9.9 hours. Neptune goes in a anti-clockwise direction and on a 0.03 degree tilt on it's axis. Neptune 's speed is 19,720 km per hour .Neptune is named after the Roman God of Sea. Neptune has no moons.


  • Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kupier Belt. Pluto's orbit is 247.92 years and Pluto's rotation is 6.39 years. Pluto goes in clockwise direction on a 122.5 degree tilt. Pluto has five moons.Pluto's 17,096 km per hours.


  • The Kupier Belt is located on the edge of our Solar System. It outlines our Solar System. It has about 10 thousand asteroids.


  • MakeMake is a dwarf planet located in the Kupier Belt. It is the largest object in that belt. MakeMake's orbit is every 309.9 years. MakeMake is farther known as the only dwarf planet who doesn't have any moons.


  • Eris is a dwarf planet located beyond Neptune's orbit. Eris orbits every 560 years and the rotation period is unknown.Eris has one moon called Dysnomia . Eris goes at the speed 3.388 km per speed.


  • Haumea is a dwarf planet beyond Neptune's orbit. Haumea' s orbit is 285 years and rotation is 3 hours and 55 minutes.


  • Comets are known as dirty snowballs. Comets orbit the Sun. There are four components: a necleus, a coma, and a dust tail.


  • Asteroids are small rocky bodies that orbit the Sun. They are made out rock and metal. They the main parts of the belts.


  • Meteroids are small peices of debris. They are also compared to Asteroids. They also orbit the Sun.

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