What is GeekWire
- Leading tech news site
- Founded in 2011
- 2.4M page views per month
- Six annual signature events
- 20,000+ event attendees
"GeekWire is the lubricant of the Seattle startup machine."
A look at GeekWire's wild events
"GeekWire is the lubricant of the Seattle startup machine."—Rich Barton, founder of Expedia and Zillow
Why we started events
- Community
- Content
- Coin (Revenue)
- Connecting in a digital age
- Have fun
What we've learned
- Events are hard
- Surprise and delight
- Plan ahead
- Respect time of others
- Say no
- Own your community
What's next: "It's still day 1."
- National Events: Radio Show, Ping Pong, Startup Day
- Underwriting content verticals: Space, Gaming, Health, Sports
- Sports Tech Summit: July 12-13