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The Story of ME

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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The Story of ME

a tale by Grace Kim in CAFF 321-7

"What do I hold most dear?"

Is the question we must all ask ourselves
I began this story by asking myself the question, "What do I hold most dear?" I realized this question would help me to understand my priorities and joys in life.
Photo by mohammadali

Faith in jah

What I see to be the beginning of all happiness and joy, is from Jehovah God himself. He IS love and has been my source of life, vivacity and strength.
Photo by VinothChandar

I Love my family

More than anything on this earth
Family is where my heart lies. It is my one my life's joys. The place I go for strength. And the perfect dose of encouragement and love to survive daily life.

My Parents

Taught me to be the best version of myself
My parents gave me the present of life, and went on to teach my all that I know so that I may succeed. They are the purest source of unrelenting, and at times tough, love.
Photo by Yogendra174

Friends Are Forever

and the joy of life
Friends are like a second family to me. Having very many old old friends, I have been fortunate to experience the strength and joy these relationships have brought me.

Working for happiness

to make way for my satisfaction
I think that my personal well-being depends on how hard I am willing to work for it. Therefore, I understand that my personal values and characteristics will help me to achieve greatness.
Photo by Djenuwine


No matter how hard the task, perseverance will give me an opportunity for success while giving up will not.


Not to much nor too little
I realize that I am not perfect and that I need to find balance and equality in my life to find satisfaction.
Photo by angeloangelo


...when all else fails


Despite everything