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The Sun and the Moon

Published on Nov 27, 2015

The sun and the moon ride across the sky. Such beauty I see there.


Riding the Sun and the Moon

Day gallops through the sky,leaving light in his wake.

Photo by Roo Reynolds

Night shines gentle light as she canters across the night sky,leaving stars in her wake

Brother and sister,they only meet at dawn.

Photo by jenny downing

They clash together at dawn,creating beauty for one to see.

Photo by -Reji

Night is ridden by Artemis,lady of the night.

Photo by NormLanier

Day is ridden by Apollo,lord of the day.

Photo by sherrattsam

Forever,they ride,creating darkness and light where they go.

In the end,they always meet at dawn,the children of Olympus,the creators of day and night.

Night can be regal and cool.

Day can be exciting and hot

But both of them are light,shining on us,so we don't have to walk without light,to sleep without light.

Brother and sister,they are our light,flying through the sky,giving life.

They wrap you in warmth and coolness as they shine on you.

Light is life.What is life without light?