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The Suns The Coments And The Telescope

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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  • A Comet is an ice body that releases gas or dust.
  • They are often compared to dirty snowballs.
  • Comets orbit the sun.
  • But most are believed to inhabit in an area known as the Oort Cloud.
  • Comets lose ice and dust each time they come near the sun.
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Some comets, called sun-grazers smash high into the sun or get close that they evaporate.
  • Asteroids classify comets based on the durations of their orbits around the sun.


  • The surface of the sun is called the Photosphere.
  • It has a temperature of 5,800 degrees kelvin.
  • The sun is 70% hydrogen and only 28% helium.
  • The hydrogen slowly converts to helium overtime.
  • It takes nearly 36 days for the sun to rotate around its axis once.
Photo by ecstaticist


  • At the equator of the sun, it rotates 25.4 degrees once a day.
  • The sun is categorized as a star, it is a star but I very big one.
  • The sun is the largest object in the solar system.
Photo by Valentina_A


  • Light shines on an object then bounces of the object and reaches our eyes
  • The retina is the part of the eye that collects or receive light
  • Retina send light to our brain in the form of electronic pulses
  • The brain then uses the electronic pulses to form visual images.
  • This is the process that allows us to see in a telescope


  • Works by breaking light in into the wavelength
  • Some spectroscope are made out of diffraction grating - a material that haves a lot little parrellel line
  • That are approximately one wavelength apart
  • There may be 35000 of these little lines in one inch of the material.