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The Teenage Brain and how Technology Affects it.

Published on Jun 03, 2019

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The Teenage Brain and how Technology Affects it.

 By: Makailee Bell
Photo by illuminaut


  • When one considers children that are exposed to screens are more at risk for childhood obesity, difficulty focusing and weakened social skills, it is clear that the suggested screen time limit, as stated by the American Pediatric Association, should not be changed.

How does the brain work when exposed to technology?

Prefrontal Cortex, Limbic System, and Dopamine-
What are these things? what are their jobs? How is technology affected by them?

1. Childhood obesity
2. Ability to focus
3. Effect on social skills


  • When we consider the risks of early screen exposure, we can conclude that it is more reasonable to set a personalized limit on tech time for children seeing as it can possibly cause childhood obesity, it makes it more difficult to focus and concentrate, and lastly, it weakens social skills that are crucial outside of the tech world.
