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The Tell-Tale Heart

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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The Tell-Tale Heart

By Zay'Anna Tubbins
Photo by Marion Doss

The narrator believes the old man's eye is evil and it caused him to hallucinate. It causes him to hear things he couldn't take.

The narrator said every where he looked he seen that evil eye. Obsession can cause you to lose your mind.

The narrator starting spying on the old man every night at midnight. He was very quiet so the old man don't wake up with a fright.

He had his head in the room but his thumb slipped on the lantern. The old man sprang up and cried out who's there but didn't get an answer.

The eye was the main thing that caused him to go mad. It was the main thing that determined him to kill the old man.

He didn't move a muscle, he couldn't hear him lie down. He was listening to see if he would eventually lie down.

The narrator heard the groan of mortal terror and he had known that sound pretty well. The narrator was laughing at the fact he know how the old man felt.

Photo by Keoni Cabral

When he walked into the room he seen that the old was wide open. He began to get even mad when he gazed upon it.

The old man's hour came, with a loud yell. The narrator leaped into the room and dragged an huge bed over his head.

When the old man was dead he put him in the tub. First he dismembered the corpse and cut off hear, arms, and legs.

He pulled up the floor and put the rest of his remains under the floor. He heard the beating and thumping noise but didn't know exactly what it was.

The police came because the neighbors heard a loud yell. When they came he didn't know whether to lie or tell.

The narrator heard the beating and thought the cops did to. He confessed what he did and told the truth.

Now he is off to jail and he probably cant get out. *Obsessing over something can get you into a situation that you cant get out.

This is the end of my presentation of The Tell-Tale Heart.