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The Thesis Statement Ch. 6

Published on Nov 18, 2015

UNV-100 Developmental Writing


The Thesis Statement

Chapter 6
Photo by Dustin Lee

Today's video Prayer

Review of Cause and Effect

  • What are causes?
  • What are effects?
  • What do transitional words or phrases do for showing cause and effect relationships?
  • Practice with using transitions to show cause and effect relationships

Purpose of a Thesis Statement

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provides a solid plan and direction for your paper

Photo by FutUndBeidl

serves as a road map for your entire essay

giving the reader both the organizational framework and evaluative stance of the essay

Photo by geinography

When paragraphs are put together into an essay

Photo by aresauburn™

you will need a statement that expresses the entire paper’s central topic and stance

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

controlling statement for the entire essay

Photo by pgcummings

Structure of a Thesis Statement

Photo by VinothChandar

well-constructed thesis statement serves both the reader and the writer

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organizational framework, forecasting the development
Photo by Wrote


thesis shows the paper’s development, writer's point of view
Photo by inky

So how does a writer pull together an entire essay’s content and purpose in one sentence? Let's look at example

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introduction serves as a general orientation
for the reader

Photo by pitschuni

for the reader

  • introduction serves as a general orientation
  • opening content should be slightly broader than the essay topic to provide a perspective

Thesis statement should...

  • reflect the main topics of the essay
  • provide the evaluative stance of the essay
  • serve as a guide for the essay's main topics

Reflect the Main Topics of the Essay

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A thesis is formed, ideally, after the prewriting process has begun

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Prewriting includes...

  • mapping concepts
  • outlining ideas
  • Organizing thoughts/ideas

these techniques or topics can then formulate a thesis

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Photo by Al_HikesAZ

from the topic sentences, the writer then extracts the main topics:

Photo by Chapendra

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Photo by Al_HikesAZ

three topics will then serve as the basis for your thesis statement, forming a clear
organizational structure

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Balanced in scope

  • topics need to be covered in your paragraphs,
  • should not be too broad or too narrow
  • should have the same amount of weight
  • Do not have one topic significantly broader than the other two

Balanced in perspective

  • topics should work together to promote a single direction
  • promoted the paper’s overall direction consistently
  • Positive or negative points (choose one)

Balanced in grammatical construction

  • topics are all expressed in parallel construction or share the same grammatical form
  • listed with adjectives and nouns, creating a sentence that is accurate

Provides the Evaluative Stance

of the paper
Photo by TempusVolat

Once you have three topics in mind, it is time to consider the stance of the paper

Photo by Fiona in Eden

thesis should also reveal your particular views on a topic

Photo by UGArdener


in the essay on hiking in Sedona...

topics all express positive elements about hiking, so the evaluative stance comes through:

Hiking in Sedona is unparalleled because of the dramatic
views, crisp weather, and light crowds.

the word unparalleled reflects the writer’s....

stance, while the three topics show the content of the paragraphs

Photo by Jeremy Brooks

evaluative thesis statements

  • The new education policy’s unfortunate consequences could include lower graduation rates, disproportionate teacher-student ratios, and parent frustrations.
  • The causes of devastating accidents on that freeway include poor visibility, wildlife, and lack of barriers.

Once your thesis is in place, the paper’s development should correspond to it

Photo by Daniel Y. Go

revise your draft and make any changes

be sure to also revise your thesis, so that there is a clear correspondence between the paragraph topics and this statement

Photo by syntaxoflife

Characteristics of Thesis Statements

  • expresses a claim
  • an assertion or belief on a topic
  • claim should be contestable or controversial
  • you might ask yourself if your position could be argued.

“So what?”

  • does your topic and claims matter?
  • determine which statements have claims
  • Determine which are merely facts
  • Passing the "So What?" test ensures meaningfulness


Photo by quinn.anya

Think about your assignment. Will you be informing, persuading, entertaining, exposing,
defining, or analyzing?

Photo by @boetter

it is important for you to shape your thesis to reflect the assignment purpose

Photo by N@ncyN@nce


The causes of poverty in that school district include lack of education, substance abuse, and repeated generational cycles.

Camping differs from staying in a hotel in cost, amenities, and preparation.

thesis statements....

  • have clear topics
  • are claim-based
  • show the reader the purpose or genre

find the following word bank which serves as a resource for transitions or words to include in your thesis

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Obstacles to Writing

Photo by peteoshea

Roadblock 1

Photo by Dave Lanovaz

roadblock 1

  • Do not phrase your thesis statement as a question
  • because the primary purpose of a thesis is to state a claim, be sure it is in the declarative form
  • of yourself as the boss of the paper, and boldly state your claim.

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Roadblock 2

Making the Thesis Too Vague

roadblock 2

  • Your three topics should be specific and suitable for distinct body paragraphs
  • Avoid vague or clichéd writing that does not clearly state your topics

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Roadblock 3

Making the Thesis a Quote
Photo by kitakitts

Roadblock 3

  • should not be included in your thesis statement
  • Instead, think about how a quote might provide evidence later in the paper

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Roadblock 4

Making the Thesis a Fact or Statistic
Photo by Old Sarge

roadblock 4

  • placed fact or statistic can support your claim effectively, but remember that a thesis needs to show controversy
  • expressing a fact does not leave room for argument or discussion.

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Roadblock 5

Making the Thesis an Announcement
Photo by skrytebane

Roadblock 5

  • Good writing will always show, rather than tell, something.
  • avoid the temptation to announce the topic

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Fact or claim

  • 1. Jan Brewer is a wife, mother, and former governor of arizona.
  • 2. her interactions with the president, veto, record, and radical stance on many issues classifies Jan brewer as most controversial governor in Arizona.
  • 3. Most People can hike Piestewa Peak in less than an hour.

fact or claim

  • 4. Piestewa Peak is a decent hike, but 4. many find camelback mountain superior for its stunning views, challenging summit, and amenities.
  • 5. It's 120 miles from Tucson to phoenix.
  • 6. Without proper planning, a drive across Arizona can have devestating results, including deyhdration, overheating, and danger from monsoons.


Morris, E., Cohen, S., (1996). Adventure guide to Arizona. Edison, N.J.: Hunter.

Photo by found_drama