Causes of The Thirty Years' War:
• It started as a religious war between the Protestants and Roman Catholics in Germany.
• Soon, it grew more than religion reasons, but having more power.
- Christian IV
- Wallenstein
- Cardinal Richelieu
- Louis XIII
- Gustavus Adolphus
Christian IV & Louis XIII
Christian IV was king of Denmark and lead an army into Northern Germany.
Louis XIII was a monarch of the House of Bourbon and ruled as King of France from 1610-1643. He also declared war on Spain.
Wallenstein & Richelieu
Wallenstein was a military leader of Catholics who had secret negotiations with Spain & France. He was soon assassinated by them.
Richelieu was a French Minister to Louis XIII. He entered the war the directly, beginning the 4th phase.
Gustavus Adolphus
He is apart of changing the reasoning for this war into power instead of religion. He is responsible for many national changes adjustment that lead Sweden away from the Baltic Sates. His troops also drove away Hapsburg armies out of Northern Germany.
- The Bohemian Phase
- The Danish Phase
- The Swedish Phase
- The French Phase
- The Peace of Westphalia
(1618-1625) Bohemian Phase was about fighting for power, involving Protestant nobles and Ferdinand. Ferdinand won support of Maximilian I of Bavaria allowing his troops to invade Bohemia. This phase ended with a Hapsburg and Catholic victory.
(1625-1629) Danish Phase was how Wallenstein raised an independent army of about 50,000 men. He defeated Christian IV in 1626 and occupied dutchy Holstein. Again, this phase ended with a Hapsburg and Cathlic victory.
(1630-1635) Swedish Phase is when the conflict grew bigger. Catholic France & Protestant Sweden joined forces against Catholic Hapsburg. Ferdinand ordered Wallenstein to form a new army. In 1632, Gustavus was killed fighting in the Battle of Lützen. Wallenstein was assassinated for having secret negotiations with Spain & France. The Emperor's army defeated the Swedes at Nordlingen in Southern Germany.
(1635-1648) French Phase had King Maximilian I aid the Holy Roman Emperor. Emperor Ferdinand II died in 1637 & was succeeded by his son Ferdinand III. Peace negotiations were made in 1641, but barely made progress until the death of Richelieu in 1642.
(1648) Peace of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War. Sweden gained western Pomerania. Eastern Pomerania was given Brandenburg. France received part of Alsace and some territory nearby. It also recognized the Dutch Republic & Switzerland. It granted the German states the rights to make treaties and alliances, it then weakened the Holy Roman Emperor.
The Effects
*Germany had a population of about 20 million but dropped to about 16 million.
Because their agriculture and trade was ruined, their economy went down as well. * *Peasants in the South had redeemed more freedom, leaving the peasants in the Northeast to work harder than before since there are less of them.* *Germany never became a nation until the 1800's.* * Prussia and Austria went into battle because they both had power and one wanted to control the other; it is known for the seven years' battle.*
*Extra Resources*