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The thought of creating your own product can be very frightening

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The thought of creating your own product can be very frightening

Photo by somegeekintn

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  • Product creation is simply putting your creating your message
  • This can be a pdf or any word document, audio, video 
  • It can be any format as long as it can be delivered to the user
  • It really is that  simple

I don't have any valuable knowledge

Photo by anieto2k

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  • You probably feel like you have no valuable knowledge
  • The truth is you hold a wealth of knowledge
  • You're here seeking knowledge, Right
  • You have information and answers others want
Photo by davedehetre

To many products in my niche

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  • There could be 1,000's of products available 
  • Unless you've created one then there are none
  • People tell stories in different fashions
  • People are waiting to hear your style of the story
  • They'll finally understand the message when told by you
Photo by liquidnight

Here is an easy way too create a product

Photo by cheukiecfu

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  • Choose your niche or topic
  • Open a word document I use Open Office
  • Write the 10 top areas you want to teach related to the niche
  • Those will be your topics next you will choose the subtopics
  • Under each topic write 10 categories related to that topic

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  • There are 100 subtopics 10 under each topic
  • Write a 1 page report for each subtopic
  • 1 or 2 a day is fine
  • Arrange everything so it flows good for the reader
  • Add an ecover and turn it into a pdf
Photo by ChrisGoldNY

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  • Slap your name and blog URL on the front cover
  • TADA
  • You officially have your own product
  • Use parts of this for articles or AR emails
  • Only your imagination will hold you back


My Story


Producing Your Own Product