Ext. Invasions 1
While their army was off expanding, it left their main city of Rome open to attack. This lead to Germanic Tribes invading the west and the Persians invading the east.
Ext. Invasions 2
While losing all of their men due to war, they had to get new men and more men means more money to pay them which lead to financial problems.
Over expansion 1
Even though Rome had all of this land, they had too much too take care of. Even though the road system was a good idea, it was still too big to maintain control.
Over expansion 2
When Rome had to pay for more soldiers to maintain the new land, the had less funds for other stuff such as infrastructure which led them into their fall.
The plague 1
The plague in the Roman Empire was very bad because it led to many deaths. This killed of thousands of people from their population. This reduced the number of workers available for them.
The Plague 2
The loss of workers led to less food and resources. This made them do less trade with other empires. This also led to less army men which led to conscription of Barbarians.