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The Tragedy of Macbeth

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Tragedy of Macbeth

By: Gianna DiMeo

Supporting claim 1

  • In the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth shows signs of her ambitions and manipulations.
Photo by basheertome

Reasoning 1

  • Lady Macbeth's motivation was to have the best for her and Macbeth.
  • She manipulates and deceives Macbeth into motivating him to complete the plan.
Photo by Chalkie_CC

Supporting claim 2

  • Lady Macbeth's ambition consumes her to manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan and to deceive others so they can get the power they deserve.

Reasoning 2

  • Lady Macbeth is willing to do what it takes to get Macbeth to be King now that he has easier access into royalty being Thane of Cawdor.

supporting Claim 3

  • Lady Macbeth starts out as a supportive partner but turns into a vaulting manipulator to Macbeth.
Photo by Greyframe

Reasoning 3

  • Lady Macbeth constantly manipulates Macbeth and she ends up becoming ruthless in her decisions and allows her ambition to consume her.
Photo by Infernal elf


  • Macbeth took many ruthless actions and allowed his paranoia to take over and turn him into a tyrant.


  • Macbeth realized the prophecy was coming true and wanted more out of it.
  • From the very beginning, Macbeth had the thought of murdering Duncan and wasn't going to let the idea slip away.


  • Lady Macbeth devised the plan and told Macbeth if he didn't complete her plan, he would end up being a coward living in the shadows.
Photo by lord_yomismo


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