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The Truth About Christopher Columbus

Published on Mar 15, 2016

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The Truth About Christopher Columbus

By Anissa Chavez

Was He Really That Great Of A Guy?

Mr. Columbus has several positive stories and tales about him, but why not any negative? Columbus use to supervise the sales of young native girls (ages 9 to 10) for sexual purposes. As it says, "his men desired them." Why did we never hear about this???

Photo by El Bibliomata

How Could Someone Be So Cruel?

When Columbus would travel and meet natives if they resisted slavery he would cut off their nose or an ear to make a statement.

Photo by sashafatcat

My Opinion

I don't understand why we appreciate this man. Today if someone would commit those crimes they'd be executed! I guess we should have someone repeat those crimes so he then could have a holiday to, right? Personally this holiday shouldn't be celebrated. Yes he discovered things and such, but didn't other people to? What about the natives, where is their holiday that is popular like Columbus day? I don't recall there being one.