Threats to organisms would be temperature because of the harsh climate that makes it hard for organisms to survive
Threats to ecosystems would be the melting of permafrost as a result of global warming, which could change the landscape and what organisms can inhabit it.
The benificial natural resources of the tundra is usually its natural minerals like coal aand copper which are helpful to mankind.
The future of the tundra will slowly begin to get warmer because of global warming. The rising temperatures could kill off 40% of species in the tundra.
To survive the tundra, many plants have had to develop the ability to grow under a layer of snow, carry out photosynthesis in extremely cold temperatures, and for flowering plants to produce flowers quickly once summer begins.
The roots have adapted to only allow plants with shallow root systems to grow in the tundra because of permafrost that prevents it from sending roots under soil
The Xylem adapts by being able to successfully transfer water under the harsh climates.