Specific Library Help for CS
Learning Resource Center
(10th floor, Du Bois)
Writing Center
(Lower Level, Du Bois)
Wiley Encyclopedia of
Computer Science and
Atomic Learning
(e.g., GarageBand, Keynote, FileMaker Pro, SPSS, Access, Camtasia, infographics, mobile, & more)
ACM Digital Library
(Association for Computer Machinery)
Subject Research Guides (librarians often call them "LibGuides")
(Make sure you go through the Library's Web Page for those resources!)
Reference managers
(RefWorks, Zotero, etc.)
Portfolio builders
(GitHub, websites, etc.)
Other stuff
- UDrive
- Concept mapping tools
- Trello (project mgmt)
- Remember the Milk
Hours @ Du Bois
- 11 am Sunday - 9 pm Friday
- 9 am - 9 pm Saturday
Hours @ SEL
- 8 am - 11 pm M - Th
- 8 am - 5 pm Friday
- 9 - 5 Saturday
- 1 pm - 11 pm Sunday
(hours are On our website, too)
Fun Stuff!
- Falcon cam
- Digital Media Lab
- Other Libraries in the Five Colleges
- Image Library & Archives
More fun stuff - Events @ Du Bois!
- Du Bois Fellows talks
- Get Your Game On (7pm - 9pm, first Friday of each month, Library Learning Commons)
- Birds of Prey with Tom Ricardi
Think about an assignment you have for one of your classes.
Select one of the resources we talked about today and find a little more information about it. (e.g., how to get to it, how to use it, what other things it might be good for, etc).
Select one resource & find out more!
- Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
- Safari Books Online
- Atomic Learning
- Learning Resource Center
- Writing Center
- LibGuides
- Something else!