On February 2, 1848 the U.S. And Mexico signed the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
In this treaty Mexico agreed to make the rio grande the border for Texas
Mexico also ceded New Mexico and California to the U.S.
The U.S. Payed Mexico $15 million for the cession
U.S. promised freedom of religion, protection of property, bilingual elections, and open borders in the states of California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, most of Arizona, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming
In January 1848 John Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's mill in Sacramento valley California
The news then travelled eastward and to San Francisco
When people in San Fran heard about it manny people travelled to Sacramento Valley
On my 29 an editorial said “resounds with the sordid cry of gold, GOLD, GOLD! while the field is left half-plowed, the house half-built, and everything neglected but the manufacture of shovels and pickaxes.”