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The Wednesday Wars Final

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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One thing I have learned this year to help me grow as a person is, do what will end up benefiting yourself because it will help you out in the long-run.

Photo by Titimo

Holling's worst month was December because, Holling's guts get "burned" by Mickey Mantle who refuses to sign his baseball because of his yellow tights.

Photo by Scott*

Hollings best month was April because Hollings wins the varsity race with a $100 dollar savings bond.

Photo by Peter Mooney

The war Holling fought that changed him the most was, when his sister told him to "get some guts" because he told her that his former teacher Mrs. Baker had hated his guts.

Photo by blakeemrys

I think Holling would give his 7th grade year an overall "B" because there was times he struggled, although there was a lot of things holling learned over the year that has changed him into a better more confident person.

The most gutsiest thing Holling does in the novel is going on stage in front of his whole junior high school wearing yellow tights with feathers on the butt, playing Shakespeare. Because, I know most 7th grade boys would never do what Holling did.

Photo by miss mass

One teacher I would consider my "allie" in my education career would have to be Ms.Lazeren from my 4th grade year because she had great communication between her students and overall helped me in my education career.