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The Wichita Tribe

Published on Mar 05, 2019

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The Wichita Tribe

By: Leo ( Misae - white sun ) and Noora ( Magena - moon )
Photo by Trevor Cole

Region of Texas

  • The Wichita tribe lived in the Southern Plains
  • Our villages were like landmarks on the Southern Plains
  • Our villages were seen by the grass lodges we used, and the fields nearby
Photo by Mahkeo

Acquisition of Food

  • In our villages, we had corn, tobacco, and melons
  • We went on annual hunts in groups
Photo by Annie Spratt


  • We had no specific ritualism
  • We were impressed by the forces around us
Photo by Pilottage


  • 'Aah' means hello
  • We speak English today
  • The Wichita language is endangered
Photo by monkeyc.net


  • We traded with the Comanche and Louisiana merchants
  • We were allies with the Comanche
  • We befriended some of the tribes in the Southern Plains such as Caddo and Comanche


  • We attacked the Spanish Santa Cruz de San Saba mission in 1758
Photo by dbnunley


  • The main three different types of artwork were...
  • 1- Pottery
  • 2- Bead Work
  • 3- Hide Paintings
  • Men and women both made artwork
Photo by DWinton


  • We wore tattoos around our eyes that looked like raccoon eyes ... remember that !
  • Our women wore wrap around skirts and poncho tops
  • We all wore earings
  • We all wore buffalo robes in cold weather
  • We had elaborate tattoos
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Our warriors were men and women
  • We were friendly toward strangers
  • We avoided confrontation unless provoked
  • We were noted for our hospatality
Photo by ibarra_svd

Tools and Weapons

  • We used...
  • Bows and arrows
  • Clubs
  • Shields
  • Tomahawks
  • Axes


  • We lived in large, beehive like houses
  • Our houses were made of grass
  • We also lived in teepees
  • Now days, we live in regular houses and/or apartment buildings
  • We always had grass lodges in nearby fields

Tribal Roles and Government

  • We had...
  • Laws
  • Police
  • Services
  • Chief elections
  • Only men were voted for chief
Photo by NicoTrinkhaus


  • We had...
  • No currency
  • We made our own food
Photo by AMagill

Medicine and Health

  • Yarrow cures open wounds by stopping external bleeding
  • Buck Brush is used to treat mouth and throat conditions along with burns
Photo by Kiran Foster

Medicine and Health con.

  • Sage cures colds, the flu, and cramps as well as bruises
  • Lavender cures insect bites and headaches
  • Both men and women were Shaman
Photo by Kiran Foster

Extra Facts

  • A river, waterfall, city, and county, are all called Wichita
  • Wichita Kansas owes it's name to early tribe presence in that area
  • We collected agricultural goods on the ground near rivers
Photo by jcsullivan24

Extra Facts con.

  • An agent of Nachitoches identified one red river village as Wichita in 1805
  • We called ourselves 'raccoon eyes' ... did you remember
Photo by jcsullivan24

Extra Facts con. con.

  • We were sometimes called Towaich
  • We had a slightly darker skin tone than other Indians
  • Men and women both participated in story time
Photo by jcsullivan24

Why we're done

  • Because we are
  • Because we have no more slides to show
  • Well...
  • We have ONE more slide
  • Then we're done

The End

!Now we're officially done!
Photo by twm1340


*Thank You*
Photo by Luca Upper