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Published on Sep 27, 2016

There are five essential elements to create a story: plot, mood, setting, characters, and theme. In this deck we will be explaining what a theme is in literature, why we use it, and how to find it.



By: Nicol, Kira,& Samantha
Photo by mrmayo

What Is A Theme?

  • *It is the 'central message' or main idea in a story
  • *Usually consists of a quote that is simple to remember ex. 'Don't take the people around you for granted'
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what is theme?

  • * the theme will not always be stated
  • *theme is most likely the writers personal opinion and it will be expressed through the story
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function of Theme

  • helps the reader understand and connect to the literacy work
  • binds together other essential elements to a story to make it more meaningful
  • theme gives you a better understanding of the characters thoughts,emotions, conflict, ect.
  • its the underlying idea that the writer is trying to convey
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finding the theme in a story

  • consider how the character(s), how have they changed from the beginning of the story?
  • How is the conflict resolved?
  • what does the title have to do with it?
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types of themes

  • *Major theme: the more significant idea in a story line
  • *Minor theme: an idea that is not as important, it's briefly talked about