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Then/Than and Lose/Loose

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Sentences to practice when to use then/than and lose/loose


My daughter likes volleyball more than/then any other sport.

My niece is the varsity coach. I liked watching her play better then/than watching her coach.

Photo by gus_estrella

We usually go to dinner and then/than to a volleyball game.

It's nice to suntan at the beach and then/than play volleyball at dusk.

Photo by Tim Geers

No one likes to lose/loose a game.

Photo by yoppy

It is fun to lose/loose a tooth, though, since the tooth fairy comes!

If you lose/loose a poker game, you might also lose/loose a lot of money.

Photo by Kalense Kid

If a screw comes lose/loose on a chair, do not sit on it!