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Theodore Rossevelt

Published on Nov 25, 2015

This was a Logan M production! I hope you enjoy!


Theodore Rossevelt

By: Logan Manwaring

Theodore's Early Life
He was born on October 27, 1858 in Manhattan, New York. His mother was Martha Bulloch. She worked as a socialite. His father was Theodore Roosevelt Sr. he worked as a Businessman and a Philanthropist

Theodore's Education
Theodore went to college at Harvard university. There, he studied biology.

Theodore's Carrer before President

Before becoming President, Theodore was the governor of New York. He worked in New York.

Family Background

Theodore married Edith Kermit Carow. They had 6 kids. Alice, Kermit, Quentin, Theodore Jr. , Ethel, and Archibald.

Reason for running for President

Theodore was McKinley's 2nd vice president. Roosevelt became the President after McKinley was assassinated.
Interesting facts: He became blind in one eye, after a boxing match in the White House He took a 4 minute flight in a plane built by the Wright brothers.

Presidential Information

Roosevelt was president from 1901-1909. He was in the Progressive Party.


this show was a Logan m production