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Theology & Practice of Islamic Veiling

Published on Apr 05, 2016

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  • Emmanuel: History
  • Jarai: Gender
  • Naomi: Terrorism
  • Taira: Representation
Photo by omani

Islam: A Brief History

  • One of the largest religions in the world (1.5 billion followers)
  • Islam means "submission"
  • Qur'an, sacred text of Islam
  • Hadith, tradition of sayings & actions of Muhammad & his companions
  • 5 pillars of faith
Photo by *Muhammad*

Islam: A Brief History of MuhammAd

  • Muhammad (SAW), born in Mecca (570 CE).
  • Began receiving revelations at 40 yrs old, in 610 CE.
  • Distressed, turned to his first wife, Khadija (RA).
  • Muhammad (SAW) died June 8, 632 CE in Medina, Saudi Arabia
Photo by rstml

The Wives of Muhammad

  • Khadija bint Khuwaylid
  • Sawada bint Zam'a
  • A'isha Siddiqa bint Abu Bakr
  • Hafsa bint 'Umar
  • Zaynab bint Khuzayma
  • Umm Salama Hind bint Abi Umayya

The Wives of MuhammAd

  • Zaynab bint Jahsh
  • Juwayriya bint al-Harith
  • Umm Habiba Ramla bint Abi Sufyan
  • Safiyya bint Huyayy
  • Maymuna bint al-Harith
  • Maria al-Qibtiyya

Veiling Directives in the qu'ran

  • Three verses commonly cited as Qur’ānic evidence of the Islamic veil: 33:53 (hijab) 33:59-60 (jilbāb) 24:30-31 (khimār)
  • Privacy
  • Protection (outside the home)
  • Sexual Modesty
Photo by MuddzBoy

Gender Equity

  • Spiritual aspect
  • The Economic Aspect
  • The Social Aspect
  • The Legal/Political Aspect

Four Wives

Cleansing for women & Men

GHUSL & Ablution

Dress Code for Women

  • “Say to the believing women that: they should cast down their glances and guard their private parts (by being chaste)…” “...and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms...” the word “khimar” is defined by scholars as a piece of cloth that covers the head

Dress Code for Women cont.

  • “O Prophet! Say to your wives, your daughters, and the women of the believers that: they should let down upon themselves their jalabib.” The word “jalabib” is defined by scholars as “a wide dress, wider than the scarf and shorter than a robe, that a woman puts upon her head and lets it down on her bosom...”
Photo by sukisuki

General term for modest dress code. Also refers specifically to a scarf which covers hair.

Full face & Body covering, associated w/Afghanistan

A full body cloak, most common in Iran

Photo by Collin Key

Veil that covers face, showing only the eyes.

Photo by fveronesi1

Covers the hair, neck and shoulders

Photo by D-Stanley

Dress code for meN

  • "say to the believing men that: they should cast down their glances & guard their private parts (by being chaste)"...
  • The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: Don't show your thigh, and do not look at the thigh of anyone, living or dead. (Abu Dawood (3140) and IBN MAAJAH: 1460)
Photo by CharlesFred

Saudi Arabia



Terrorism & Islamophobia

Bridging the Connection

Photo by kennymatic


The September 11th terrorist transformed the meaning of the muslim headscarf.
Photo by wstera2

Terror(izing) the Veil

  • No longer is the crux of the debate whether the “veil” is used to oppress women by controlling their sexuality, and by extension, their personal freedoms and life choices… a headscarf in America cannot be disconnected from the racial subtext of the “Terrorist other”. - Sahar F. Aziz

Mental Exercise

Photo by illuminaut

Headscarf: symbol of terrorism

Racial Microaggressions

  • Racial microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults towards people of color.
Photo by blakeemrys

unveiling the terror

  • “My bad experiences have made me realize that dealing with Islamophobia is more complex than I thought. During the September raids in Sydney, I didn’t leave the house for 3 weeks straight. My paranoia increased & my anxiety flew through the roof. I consumed all the propaganda on the news & the death threats sent to my community on social media.”
Photo by CharlesFred

Fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad

First MUSLim WOman on USA team to wear hijab

Fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad

First MUSLim WOman on USA team to wear hijab

Ballerina, Stephanie Kurlow

Aspires to be first ballerina to perform in hijab

Judge Carolyn Walker-Diallo

sworn-in with qur'an + wearing Hijab


Barbie-esque, Representation Matters

Model, Mariah Idrissi

Fashion Model in for H&M and zara, in hijab


acceptable hijab/unacceptable hijab

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