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Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Does God Exist?

By Erick Bergstrom.
Photo by jasohill


  • Earth's position is too good of a coincidence.
  • Earth is in the perfect and ideal spot for life.
  • Any closer to the sun, we'd burn; farther, we'd freeze.
  • The size is just right to have the perfect atmosphere.
  • Earth's size allows just enough gases to properly mix in order to sustain life.
Photo by Kalexanderson


  • Immanuel Kant
  • Descartes
  • Both philosophers were for the existence of God.
  • Kant stated that God exists were there is good in the world.
  • Descartes says that based on our senses, it is only logical that God exists.
Photo by Wrote


  • The complexity of the brain is a direct example of the work of God.
  • It is the most valuable of organs, allowing us to think, reason, feel, understand, and notice the world around us.
  • Based in what Descartes said, if our brain is able to think of a God, then there must be one.
Photo by illuminaut


  • If the universe had not always existed, how did it start?
  • Something as massive and incredible as the universe could not have simply "just started."
  • There had to have been a divine power with a purpose to create such a thing.
  • The laws of nature are too constant and present everywhere within the galaxy (time, gravity, speed, etc)
  • Without a cosmic ruler, there would be chaos, therefore the creation of these laws
Photo by fractalSpawn


  • God's desire to be believed in is present mainly in our thoughts.
  • The question as to whether God exists or not is always on our minds, because it is put there by God Himself.
  • His presence is all around us, it takes the form of miracles or good deeds, as implied by Kant.
  • If God did not exist, then we would not think of him. The idea would never have been placed in our heads.
Photo by zilverbat.


Photo by -Reji