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Theroy of Evolution

Published on Nov 18, 2015



Theroy of Evolution

Photo by abardwell

Darwin's contributaion to science

  • Developed a theory of evolution
  • The theory offered incite to constantly changing world
  • Helps understand modern sickness
-The theory of evolution that explains how modern organisms evolved over long periods of time through decent from common ancestors.
-Helps us understand drug-resistant bacteria and new diseases.
Photo by kevin dooley

Charles darwin

  • Born in 1809
  • His joureny was when he discoverd evolution
-Born February 12, 1809 in England.
-He collected bugs as a kid and studied them
-His journey began in 1831
Photo by lofaesofa

What he's given credit for

  • Discovery evolution 
  • Developing scientific theory of biological evolution 
  • Studying species on Galàpagos
-Scientific theory of biology evolution that explains how modern organisms evolved over long periods of time through decent from common ancestors.
Photo by r.j.wagner


  • Started 1831
  • Visited many continents 
  • There journey started with another objective 
-started in 1831 and was a 5 year long trip.
-Went to South America, Australia and Africa.
-They originally were meant to map the coastline of South America.


  • Species vary globally
  • Species vary locally
  • Species vary over time
-Species vary globally: different yet ecologically similar, animal species inhabited separated but similar habitats around the globe.
-Species vary locally: Different yet related animal species often occupied different habitats within local area.
-Species vary over time: Collected fossils of extinct animals were similar to living species.

Process of Natural Selection

  • Process of living organisms
  • Enviroment can cause a specied to change
  • Adaptation
  • Fitness
  • Survivle of the Fitess
-Process by which organisms survive and leave more offspring.
-Occurs in any situation in which more individuals are born than can survive, there is natural heritable variation and there is variable fitness among individuals.
-Adaptation is any heritable characteristic that increase an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment.
-Fitness describes how well organism can survive and reproduce in its environment.
-Survivle of the fitess is staying alive and reproduing and passing off adaptations to offspring

Evidence that supports evolution

  • Fossils 
  • Common ancestors 
  • DNA structures 
  • Vestigial, Homologus and Analogous Structures
-Many recent discovered fossils form series that trace the evolution of modern species from extinct ancestors
-All species are descended from ancient common ancestors.
-Over many generations, adaptation could cause successful species to evolve onto new species.
-DNA evidence shows species can be related to each other even if their bodies don't show evidence.
-Vestigial: inherited from ancestor but lost much or all of their original function.
-Analogous: Body parts that share common
-Homologous: structures shared by related species and that have been inherited from common ancestors.
Photo by hermitsmoores

enivromental effects on species of time

  • Climate changes 
  • Volcanoes 
  • Continental drift
-The Ice age cause species to evolve to live in the cold.
-Volcanoes provide islands for new habitats.
-The continental drift caused similar species to evolve differently based on where they were.

Types of selection

  • Directional Selection
  • Stabilizing Selection
  • Distruptive selection
-Directional selection: when individuals at one end of the cure have higher fitness than the ones in the middle.
-Stabilizing Selection: individuals near the center of the curve that have higher fitness than ones at the end.
-Disruptive Selection: individuals at the ends that have higher fitness than the ones in the middle

SCIENTISTS who also contributed

  • Hutton
  • Lyell
  • Malthus 
  • Lamark
-Hutton-published Theory of the Earth a founding text of modern geology. He argued the world is older than 6000 years and the earth's surface is under constant evolution.
-Lyell: believed change was a gradual process that occurred over long periods of time at constant rate. Rejected the idea a catastrophe evolutionized the Earth.
-Malthus: Noticed humans were born faster than they died which lead to overpopulation. Darwin saw this theory in all living organisms.
-Lamark: Believed that changes in environment caused changed in behavior that lead to evolution.
Photo by dbr Atl

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