The country is so large it has 5 climate zones:equatorial,tropical, semi arid,highland tropical,temperate,and subtropical. The average temperature is 77 degrees and the average rainfall is 69 inches.
Cattle is the main livestock in Brazil. It is the largest exporter of beef in the world. Brazil is the third largest producer of chicken in the world. Chicken is more popular for Brazilian consumption.
Family is very important in Brazilian culture. Brazilian culture is similar to that of Portugal due to the hundreds of years of Portuguese colonization.
Catholicism is Brazil's largest religion; 73% are Catholic. Carnival is a festival that is held before Lent. Many Catholics don't eat meat and poultry during Lent. The Protestant religion is growing in popularity.
Brazil has many fresh fruits:pineapples,guava,and papaya are a few examples. Pao de queijo(cheenies) are my favorite Brazilian food they are chewy cheese flavored rolls.