Here is a political map of Turkey
Movement...Railways are really important in Turkey. In fact there is even a government railway system (TCDD) In Anarka for getting people and goods across the country
Heliports are important in Turkey so important ideas and people can be moved quickly and privately.
Airports are very important in Turkey so goods ad people can travel to different places. Turkey has nearly 100. Sadly diseases also travel within airports
In Turkey there are two mountain ranges. The Taurus and Pontic mountains cover both north and south of Turkey. (The snow is for the tops of mountains)
In. Turkey there are a lot of plateaus. One we'll known one is the Anatolian Plateau
The exact coordinates are 40oN and 33oE
Turkey is next to two seas; the Mediterranean and the Black. Syria,Bulgaria and Armenia also are relative to Turkey
Human environment Interaction
In Turkey trees aren't very plentiful. The citizens use a lot of the only trees there so it has became an issue
Human environment Interaction
In Turkey they make a lot of irrigation systems because fresh water is not around much
Human Environment Interaction
Since Turkey gets water from the rain, most of it is used for electricity
Mountain Ararat in Turkey, is it's highest mountain. It is said in legend, that this is the place where Noah's ark was built
In Turkey there are straights that connect the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea, making them very important for trade.
Before modern day Turkey, there were many fights battled for possession of the country. At first the, it was inhabited by the Greeks,Persians, and Anatolians. Then Alexander the Great hellenized the area and turned it into the Byzantine empire. A lot of people started moving there and it went good for about 100 years, until the Mongol invasion , and it then became the Ottowman empire. More and more battles occurred, and now Turkey is a constitutionalized country.
First in Turkey, there was painting, which started in the late 1700's. It was greatly influenced by technical intentions, so a school could be created. Then came the music. Their music wasn't like most. Instead of music pieces they wrote plays.
In Turkey, there is not an official religion, Although 97 percent of the citizens there are Muslims, an Islamic religion
Daily life
If you went to Turkey you would see a lot of coffee and candy being consumed. You would also see a lot of wells being tended to.
Turkish is an Ottoman
language that developed in the Ottoman Empire then spread to Western Asia and the European steppes. The language is the official and dominant language of Turkey.
Though it may seem Turkey isn't that developed it is among the most developed countries in the world. Their main exports are transportation equipment, consumer electronics, and home appliances. They are also very good in the banking business.
The government of Turkey is a democratic republic, but instead of having only a president,Turkey has a prime minister which I s head of government.
Social groups
Turkey can be broken up into 5 social groups. The urban modernists, rural traditionalists, status qou supporters, rural indifferen, and failed citizens.