“The Nail and the Oracle”
by Theodore Sturgeon
published in 1965
The hero of the story,
a computer engineer,
fixes the Pentagon’s computer by taking
down a sign from
the wall
Thomas J. Watson
President of IBM
Thomas J. Watson
President of IBM
The trouble with
every one of us is that
we don’t think enough
By ‘THINK’ I mean take everything into consideration
This word is on the most conspicuous wall of every room in every IBM building
Each employee carries a ‘THINK’ notebook
in which
to record inspirations
I am in favour of thinking
I even own a ‘THINK’ sign
Does putting up ‘THINK’ signs really make any impact?
The ‘THINK’ slogan fell out of favour during the 1970s, and the signs gradually disappeared. By the 1980s they were gone.
The decline of IBM as an innovator in computing started in the 1970s. By the 1980s innovation was gone.