This article is about: Japan watches refugee crisis in Europe and wonders how to help.
I chose this article because it explains how if Japan doesn't help the refugees its population will fall and I think that Japan should help these refugees to help there population.
This is important because Japan's government estimates that the population will shrink from 127 million to 95 million by 2050.By that point 4 out 10 Japanese will be over 65. There aren't enough babies being born ether.
This is very important because Japan's government says that the population will shrink and refugees could stop this from happening but Japan only took 11 refugees out of 5,000.
Even more important who will pay for the retired people's healthcare and taxes? Maybe the refugees? No they won't.
Japan has 8,000 open homes and need to get as much help as they could get to keep the population from falling and refugees need money from the government to buy the homes. Refugees need language and other help so it is a big burden on Japanese people that is why this is such a big problem.