I believe that life is unfathomably unfair in the most extreme way. Life has no mercy when you need it the most. But it’s your own duty to fight back, to keep your head above water and find a reason to get through it. It’s simply how the world works.
Life is inherently unfair. It is this unfairness that shapes us into who we are, and how we cope with hardships. Without challenge, life would be dull and meaningless. It’s our job to find the meaning.
Freshman year, I was bullied a lot. It sparked a large portion of my depression. At points in my illness, I dreamed of suicide. How, in any universe, would that be fair? This depression controlled my life like a puppeteer. Through the years, I learned to cope. But there were
several emotional assaults along the way to truly test my resolve. I came out the other side feeling like a warrior who just defeated the last soldier of the opposition with his bare hands. Life’s unfairness had rewarded me for overcoming it with the most wonderful feeling I had ever experienced.
I’m stroking my own ego a bit, but I’m going to reference a poem I wrote for a prior English class.
“Think of the holocaust, think of 9/11, think of slavery,
Every brutalized woman and man fought with persistent bravery,
How could God turn the other cheek so shadily? That is the ultimate tragedy.”
Here, we can use God himself as a general metaphor for life. Thinking about these historical events really solidifies the reason why I must believe that life isn’t fair.
Life isn't fair. You can either face that truth, or run away in fear. But you'll eventually face a dead-end and you'll realize that it's up to you to make sure that life plays fair. The only way to do that is to make your own happiness, don't rely on others to give it to you, because they may leave as quickly as they entered your life. Find your own happiness.