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Thursday Article

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By: Jamie Gumbrecht


Photographer Marlena Waldthausen spent months at Deutsches Taubblindenwerk Fischbeck, a German facility where more than 100 deaf-blind people live together. In her first days there she found out that deaf-blindness is isolating, communication is difficult, and that most people have little or no “real” relationships. When she first encountered the twins they were laughing and joking. Waldthausen said, "I just really liked them from the first moment I saw them," and “What I found so special about them was their almost symbiotic relationship, this 'blind' understanding.” Jörg and Rolf Fischer are 49 years-old and were born deaf and lost their eyesight due to diabetes. Rolf can see a little out of one eye and guides his brother wherever they go. They really love their routine. Some parts they handle on their own like dressing, making their beds, and eating meals.


Other parts require help from caretakers like swimming, horseback riding, and traveling home on weekends to spend time with their parents. In the afternoon and evening they drink coffee, play with dogs, rest, and watch TV. Rolf and Jörg communicate through tactile sign language and the Lorm alphabet. The Lorm alphabet is there own so not many people know what they are sharing with each other. "I couldn't smile, gesture or apologize in the way I am used to when I have to communicate with people that speak a language I don't understand," Waldthasen said. So Waldthausen learned the Lorm alphabet. After learning the language she spent a lot of time with them. While staying with them she got to experience how important their relationship was and decided that she wanted to share it with others. So she featured the images that she took of them in a photojournalism exhibition.

The twins were very proud and the exhibition touched the hearts of others


I chose this article because I thought it was interesting that Rolf and Jörg could live a normal life without seeing or hearing which are very important. The twins can swim, ride horses, dress themselves, feed themselves, watch TV, and have a conversation with someone else. All these things require eyesight or hearing, but they can do all of them.


This article connects to the current theme human conditions and the essential question “In the face of adversity, what causes some people to prevail while others fail?” Support from others is what causes some people to prevail while others fail. Rolf and Jörg’s adversity would be their deaf-blindness and the reason that they prevail is that others help them with their basic needs. Also, their loving relationship they have for eachother that is shown from them having their own language, Rolf staying by his brother’s side, and always having a playful attitude towards each other.


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  • The deaf-blind twins Rolf and Jörg came up with there own alphabet, do you believe that anyone can find ways to overcome the bumps in their life? Why or why not?
  • If you were Rolf or Jörg and you had the choice between gaining your eyesight back or your hearing back, which one would you choose? Why?