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Thyroid Cancer

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Thyroid Cancer

Cancer: cancer starts when cells in your body start to grow out of control

Thyroid: the thyroid gland is found in the base of your neck,below ur Adam's apple, and it produces hormones that regulate the growth and rate function of different parts of your body

Thyroid Cancer: a tumor arrives on the thyroid
4 types of thyroid cancer
Papillary carcinoma, grows slowly
Follicular carcinoma, grows slow but faster than first
Medullary, rare grows slowly
Anoplastic, rare grows and spreads quickly


A lump in front, lower part of neck
A hoarse voice
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty breathing
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Lymph nodes: organs all over your body

A cough that doesn't go away, not due to a cold
A sore throat not due to a cold
Neck pain


Radiation (radiotherapy)
Family history, genetics
A bowel condition called FAP
Overweight/tall adults
Previous breast conditions
2 or more children in 5 years


Stages 1 & 2: total or near total thyroidectomy, with or without radioactive iodine therapy
Lobectomy and removal of lymph nodes that contain cancer, followed by hormone therapy
Stage 3: total thyroidectomy as well as removal of lymph nodes
Radioactive iodine therapy
Stage 4: often be cured
If cancer spreads past lymph nodes to other parts of the body it can't be cured but relieved of symptoms

Treatment may include:
Radioactive iodine therapy
External beam radiation therapy
Surgery, remove cancer
Hormone therapy
Targeted therapy

Medullary thyroid cancer:
Thyroidectomy if cancer hasn't spread
Removal of lymph nodes with cancer
External radiation therapy
Tyrosine inhibitor if spread,cancer

Anaplastic thyroid cancer:
Thyroidectomy(cancer hasn't spread)
External radiation therapy
Clinical trial


Stage 1&2=100% survival rate
Stage 3=93%. "
Stage 4=51%. "

5 year result confirmations (98% pass)


X-rays (especially in children)
Eating foods with iodine

Get tested (especially if you have family history)