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Tidal Energy

Published on Nov 27, 2015

Explanation about Tidal Energy


Tidal Energy

Hyeok Jun Kim
Photo by cphoffman42

What is it?

  • Energy that is made by tide
  • Caused by gravity between Moon and the Earth

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Explain how this relation works

70% surface is water



It looks similar to the hydropower but this one uses it's gravity


Who found out the tidal Energy?

  • People were using tidal energy long time ago
  • First tidal power plant was made in France
  • Biggiest tidal powerplant in France

People estimate that tidal energy was use in time around 900AD, where people use dam constructions to concentrate the tidal energy in to their water wheels to convert their energies to other effective works.

The first commercial(or providing electricity) tidal power plant was made in 1965 in France, ST. Malo

Worked for 35years

Then the second power plant built in Canada designed by a swiss designer Escher-Wyss in 1982

The largest tidal power plant is in La Rance station in France, making 240megawatts, which is also the main electricity source of France. Can make electricity for 240,000 homes.

How does it work?

  • Construct the dam in tidal area
  • Wait and open the dam door when it's high tide
  • While the dam doors are open, the water will flow through the turbine
  • Close the gate when the water reaches the highest tide level 
  • Open the gate when their is low tide (again it turns the turbine)
Explain how it works

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Unfortunately tides are only available to certain regions. which is one of flaws of tidal energy


  • Sustainable
  • Renewable
  • Provide significant energy

It last long (decades)

No need any special labours work to operate



  • Only available to certain places
  • Costly
  • Block the circumnavigation
  • Impact on animals
How ever their are several cons

it cost alot of money to build the dam
also it gives huge impact on the environment and the fishers.

But why do we use it?

  • Sustainable
  • Eco-friendly energy
  • Beneficial
Beneficial when we look for longtime

better than un-renewable energy, fossil fuels

Will it be useful in China?

  • Yes
  • Better than investing for oil
  • Shanghai
  • Zhejiang
I think it is a good type of energy to use in China, because first of all, they are in a good location of global tides and also it is better than investing time and labour in oil.

45,000 kWh annual production capacity.
3.2 MW, 6,500 MW anually - ZheJiang

Shang Hai

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