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Time Management: Failure

Published on Oct 19, 2021

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Time Management: Failure

Week 3

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It's not about better time management. It's about better self management.

Photo by Aron Visuals

What is your biggest time management distraction right now?

Photo by cobblucas

Time Management Mistakes

  • Failing to keep a to-do list
  • Not setting goals
  • Not prioritizing
  • Failing to manage distractions
  • Procrastination

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  • Taking on too much
  • Thriving on "busy"
  • Multi-talking


  • Remove 3 biggest distractions
  • Talk to 20 people
  • Facebook live
  • Study Script Book
  • Monk like Discipline
  • 1 post

How to Time Block

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  • Plan out blocks (Prospecting, Social media)
  • Put in/on Calendar
  • Start w/ 1 day a week
  • Create a buffer block (x2)

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  • Create blocks around your energy
  • Create blocks around family obligations first
  • Assess your time management progress weekly
  • Be Disciplined

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  • Communicate schedule to family
  • Get dressed, shoes on, stand-up
  • Assess your time management progress weekly

Time Management Hacks

Photo by Nghia Le

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  • Kitchen Timer/Pomordo App