Although modern day technology seems pretty advanced, none could actually compare to a time machine and all the things that can go wrong and the complex knowledge it takes to build one.
Project Pegasus, one of the most mysterious time traveling experiment ever. Although nobody really knows all the clear details, we do know that they tested time travel on children. Andrew basiago is one of the most best proof of the experiments.
There is basiago, he claims to have some memory of the experiments. Including some details on where or when he went. He says that in some instances he found himself in the 1800's and in the middle of Gettysburg.
He also said that he didn't just think time travel was at work. He thought that he was going to slightly alternate realities all adjacent to each other, Because every time he time traveled to the same location, like the ford theater it would never be the same. He said that sometimes Lincoln died and an another time he lived.
The Babushka lady is also a good example of time travel. She has appeared in many photos in different timelines .some ranging to the 1800's and the 21th century. But when the FBI went on a man search they didn't find her. Not even when they were using her address and number. which were all changed multiple times but nobody knows why.
There is a theory called the twin paradox in which Einstein and a few other scientists proved it to be possible. The theory goes if you had a twin and you were the same age and one of you go blasting off at high speed on a rocket, one of you would have aged maybe 5 years but the other would have aged 40 years. He is a picture.