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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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  • Each pyramid approximately took 20 years to build.
  • When pharaohs died, the slaves would build a pyramid and would mummify them then put them in coffins with their most beloved stuff for the afterlife.
  • The slaves had to do lot jobs that no one wanted to do, like building the pyramids that still remain today.
Photo by apdk


  • Most people in ancient Egypt were farmers, slaves, crafts people, scribes, soldiers or priests.
  • The poorer Egyptian lived in sun baked mud houses that had flat roofs.
  • Looking nice and being clean was very important to the Egyptians, also make up was also very important too, the most common make up was the eye make up.
Photo by liber


  • The people of ancient Egypt developed their religion based on gods and goddesses and the powers they had.
  • Ancient Egyptian religion was a range of polytheistic beliefs and rituals which were very important part of ancient Egyptian society.
  • Religion was important in ancient Egypt and if you disagreed with the pharaoh or had a different belief than others, you would have a punishment.
Photo by liber


  • The ancient Egyptians were ruled by pharaohs who were thought to be the living god.
  • From the beginning of the old kingdom until the end of the new kingdom, the most powerful person in Egypt as the King and occasionally the queen.
  • The King was also known as the pharaoh this is an Egyptian word meaning "great house".


  • The ancient Egyptian art work and style is very unique and different from other civilization.
  • They created statues, paintings, pottery and much more.
  • The material they used for the art work were either imported from countries near by or from locally.
Photo by proper dave


  • The ancient Egyptian lived mainly in the dessert areas where there weren't many water or lakes.
  • During the winter seasons, it would rain so much that the rain water would flow in to the Nile river and flooded the crops near by.


  • The ancient Egyptian invented eye make up, written language, papyrus sheets, the calendar, breath mints, bowling, shaving head and facial cream, toothpaste and the lockable door.
  • They were also the only civilization that mummified bodies after they died.


  • The ancient Egyptians were great traders and knew what was the good stuff and what wasn't.
  • They traded gold, papyrus sheets, linen, grains, ivory, iron, ebony, cooper and cedar wood.
Photo by jev55


  • The hierarchy of ancient Egypt were that the pharaohs were the most important person and had the most power in the world.
  • On the other hand, at the bottom of the hierarchy are the slaves.
  • The slaves had to do all the jobs that no one wanted to do like building the pyramid that still remain today.

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