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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Basic Info
Name: Titanium
Chemical Symbol: Ti
Atomic Number: 22
Atomic Mass: 47.867(1) units
Melting Point: -1660*C or 3034*F
Boiling Point: -3287*C or 5949*F
Group Number: 4
Period Number: 4

Basic Info( continued )
Number Of Protons: 22
Number of Neutrons: 26
Number of Electrons: 22
Classification: solid
Color: silver to gray

Titaniums Discovery:
Titanium was discovered in 1791 by William Gregor. It was discovered in the United Kingdom.

Titanium Applications
-body piercings
-wedding rings
-replacement hip joints
-aircraft frames
-pigments in paper, plastic, and paint

Titanium Health Effects
-titanium dioxide can cause severe brain damage
-titanium dioxide can cause cancer,but is rare
-if inhaled, titanium powder can cause severe pain in the chest ,coughing, and difficulty breathing.
-if powder comes in contact with eyes, can cause irritation.
-also, if powder inhaled excessively, can cause a slight change in the lungs

Environmental effects
-titanium mining can cause pollution in the ocean
-reacts with chlorine(can cause an explosion)
-when powdered form is heated, it can ignite
-titanium dioxide can effect flora and fauna if inhaled constantly
-titanium mining can also cause explosions because of the equipment and how it reacts with titanium

Is Titanium Important?
Titanium is very important.It is also very useful, is high in strength, has low density, durability and is corrosion resistant.It is also a highly heat resistant metal.
Without titanium, we wouldn't have paint,paper,and plastic.Planes would never be able to fly properly. We would never have rings to symbolize marriage, never have replacement hip joints to save lives. We would have never eaten from a fork. Thus, titanium is very important.