ST. DAVID, son of Sant, Prince of Cardigan and of Non, was born in that country in the 5th century, and from his earliest years gave himself wholly to the service of God.
St. David, Dewi Sant, is the patron saint of the Welsh, and March 1, his feast day, is celebrated as a patriotic and cultural festival by the Welsh in Wales and around the world. Dewi Sant was a Celtic monk of the sixth century. His mother was Non.
Undoubtedly, St. David was endowed with substantial qualities of spiritual leadership. They're more, many monasteries flourished as a result of his leadership and good example.
Butler, Alban, “Saint David of Wales ,” Lives of the Saints. Benziger Bros. edition,1894. Evinity Publishing Inc; 2.0 edition. July 13, 2008. Web 20,2014)
Saint David of Wales ” Saints and Angels. Catholic Online. 2014. (Nov 20,2014)
Saint David of Wales.” Saint of the Day from Franciscan Media. Web.1996-2014 (Nov 20,2014)
Saint David of Wales.” The Lives of the Saints. William Sadlier , Inc. 2014. Web. (Nov 20,2014)
Saint David of Wales.” Lives of the Saints: Our Models and Protectors. Editions Magnificat (Les Apôtres de l'Amour Infini). 2010. Web. (Nov 20,2