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  • A form of government where people hold the power , making decisions themselves or choosing representatives to make decisions.

Direct Democracy

  • A form of government where the people vote on all the decisions made by the government
Photo by Sam Ilić

Parliamentary Democracy

  • A form of government where the people elect representatives to make choices for them, the representatives elect someone to carry out the decisions.

presidential democracy

  • A form of government where the people elect representatives and elect the person who will carry out the choices they make.
Photo by JBrazito


  • A system of the government where one person is born into the role of making for a nation.( king or queen)


  • A system of government where one person controls the decision making through the military or police.
Photo by Sprengben


  • A government that is headed by religious leaders.
Photo by www78

Single-Party State

  • A nation where by law only one political party is allowed to rule.