Title Who is Jesus...anyway

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Let's ask him directly. Seems a lot of people are suggesting he is a royal waste of time.........These are the ways he describes himself. Then you can decide for your self.


Who is Jesus?

Exodus 3:1-14


  • 117 names describing Jesus
  • Jesus = Savior
  • Christ = anointed/messiah
  • Lord
  • Son of Man Jesus' favorite
  • I am-present state of being
See notes from wilmington

Call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins - Mt 1:21

Luke 2:11 ......we tend to zoom right over this when we read the Christmas story.....


Born to you - sent. John1:14

Christ - anointed messiah, king

Lord - ruler........one who reigns......Is 9:6-7

Son of man......his humanity, connection as the God Man with those he has come to save

As we wrap up our series on who we are as a church......i thought we would let Jesus speak for himself regarding his identity.....

We will be reading together this morning......

John 6:35

I am the bread of life
John 6:30-35. Read together

Bread that gives life

Bread of God come down from heaven

Come and not be hungry - be filled

Believe and not be thirsty - be refreshed
Photo by Dano

John 8:12

I am the light of the world
John 8:12 read together

Light scatters darkness

Light reveals evil

Light illuminates the path that Jesus takes so we can follow him

This light leads us away from darkness to life
Photo by olsonj

John 10:7

I am the gate
John 10:7-10. Read together

I am the gate.....

That lets you out and protects you when you return

Gate leads to salvation

Gate leads to a satisfied life - In and out and find pasture

Have life

Have a full life in Jesus. In contrast to what the thief has to offer
Photo by LHOON

John 10:11,14

I am the good shepherd
Read John 10:11-14



Not a hired hand who quits when things get difficult

Compassionate caring
(illus. Brennan Manning p. 145-146)

Understanding. - he knows his sheep......and lays his life down for them
Photo by Jsome1

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life
Actual picture of the tomb where Jesus was believed to buried....for a few days.....

Read John 11:25-26

Life is being free of death

Even though appearances are not good

Even though we die physically, we will not see the full penalty of sin......death......because of our savior

Question is.....do you believe this?
Photo by upyernoz

John 14:6

I am the way, the truth, and the life
John 14:1-6

I am preparing a place for you

I am going away

I am coming back

I am the way......

Losat, confused, frustrated, afraid......I am your way out.....

Believe in me......
Photo by ManoharD

John 15:1,5

I am the true vine
Read John 15:1-5

I am the source of a productive life

Source of






Abide, remain in me......

Much permanent fruit will follow.....
Photo by Roberto Verzo

John 18:37

I am a King
Read John 18:33-37

I am a king

Whose kingdom is not of this world, from another place

So his subjects are just passing through, sojourners, pilgrims

Kingdom that testifies tot the truth.....and what is truth.....? Jesus.....

Who is Jesus?

Bread of Life
Light of the world
Good Shepherd
Resurrection and the Life
Way, Truth, Life
True Vine

Photo by Dano

What do you need?

  • Strength
  • Clarity
  • Confirmation
  • Comfort
  • Reassurance
  • Direction
  • Connection
  • Leadership
Photo by wackybadger

Come to Jesus

Psalm 23
Photo by wackybadger

Michael Cadrette

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