1/ This is the LC structure for the next term
2/ It looks very similar to the structure last term, but strategically our goals and methods will be slightly different. How will this structure support that?
3/ You are all in the green boxes, this means that you're part of middle management
4/ As mentioned earlier, empowering middle management is going to be a focus for us this term for 3 reasons: 1) it will help us to be more effectual in achieving our organisational goals (how this will be achieved is something I'll get back to later) 2) it will further develop you all as responsible leaders as your roles are more challenging this time around 3) the members will be further developed as leaders, as you will also be focused on engaging them more than your VP could
5/ However, no matter how complex the management structure, we can't guarentee that having a middle management layer is going to deliver any of these things so we need to implement a good working definition of what middle management is and then use this to set expectations on all of us