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In war, you'd expexct bad things to happen. You expect that you will be harmed or others will be harmed. No war is ever good so they are expecting for the worse.
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tochap.1 quote 1:page 5

Published on Dec 08, 2015

night by Elie Wiesel


tochap.1 quote 1:page 5

''what can we expect?'' he said. It's war....''
In war, you'd expexct bad things to happen. You expect that you will be harmed or others will be harmed. No war is ever good so they are expecting for the worse.

chap. 1 quote 1:page 6

He closed his eyes, as though to escape time.
People close their eyes day day dreaming to themselves. They are trying to get away from whatever is happening. It is peaceful when your alone in your own world in your head.
Photo by Michael Blann

chap.1 quote:page16

Night.No one prayed. So that the night would pass quickly.
They were too tired to pray because they know they have to get up early.they knew time would pass by quickly because they have to get up in the morning and walk far distances.
Photo by Claudio.Ar

chap.2 quote :page 18

"Fire! I can see a fire! I can see a fire!"
Madame Schachter was having visions of fire. She could see the fire at the concentration camps and nobody beleived her, they thought she had gone crazy. When they got to the camp they beleived her. What people did not know then was that what she was seeing was going to happen to them, and that she was seeing their future.
Photo by Alpstedt

chap.3 quote:page29

Work or the crematory--the choice is in your hands.
Everyone had a choice to live or die. If they did not work they were to be sent to the crematory to be burned. If they chose to work they would live. They had a chance to make their own choice, they had a chance to live.
Photo by mag3737

chap.3 quote:page 33

''You don't want to eat all your food at once. Tomorrow's another day...''
Elie was told by his father not to eat all of his food. He was saying that he is eating to fast. By saying tomorrows another day he is saying to save some for later so he does not get hungry later.

chap.4 quote:page 36

The dentist, on the other hand, seemed most conscientious:
The dentist was looking through the peoples mouths very thoroughly. He was not fixing peoples teeth or clean them, all he did was look for gold crowns. He wanted to keep the gold teeth/crowns for the camp. The dentist was more concerned about himself and the leaders of the camp not for the patients. I want to know what they did with the gold teeth/crowns. Did they sell them for money? Did they trade them?
Photo by docpop

chap.4 quote 2:page 41

What? My ration of bread so that you can have my crown?
Franek wants to take the gold crown from his mouth so he can have it. It was not fair that Franek was going to take his bread and gold crown away from him. He could not eat without that gold crown, which is really messed up. Franek is a mean man to take gold teeth from little boys.
Photo by DeaPeaJay

chap.4 quote 3:page 48

"where is he?Here he is--he is hanging here on this gallows....
How would you react to a little boy being hung for not telling on the prisoners? The little boy was dying a slow death being so small and struggling on the noose. God is helping the little boy stay alive for as long as he can watching over the camp.
Photo by lars hammar

chap.5 quote:page 52

And my father?Suddenly I remembered him, how would he pass the selection?
The boys father has aged so much he is worried that his father will not pass the selection. If it was my father i would be worried too, the doctor may think he is too old to do anything. The doctors my think he is a waste of space and food. What would be the point of keeping him alive? Selection is for getting rid of the weak and old.
Photo by moyerphotos

chap.5 quote 2:page 61

They were quite simply liberated by the Russians two days after the evacuat
If it was me I would've stayed in the hospital to be later freed by the Russians. Elie should of stayed in the hospital with his father. They should of stayed because of his foot, he should not risk getting it hurt again or make it worse. Especially if it was snowing they could of stayed.
Photo by Tojosan

chap.6 quote:page 70

How could I forget that concert, given to an audience of dying and dead men
Juliek is playing his violin before he dies, giving it his best. Eliezer did not know if he was hallucinating. How would you feel playing the violin for the last time and not able to breath? How would you feel having dead men on the top of you so can't get out?
Photo by josémaría

chap.7 quote:page 75

"Don't let yourself go under,"my father said, trying to encourage him.
How would you feel to just let yourself die? I know i would be scared, to just let yourself die is never a good thing. Elie's father is trying to save Meir Katz, he doesn't want him to die so he is encouraging him to live. If i was Meir Katz i would live no matter what has happened.

chap.8 quote:page 80

Here, every man has to fight for himself and not think of anyone else.
What happened if it was you that had too lose your father? What if it was you that you were told to forget about him? If I was Eliezer i would take care of my father no matter what was happening. How could you not think on anyone else, he is all by himself now and is still a young person. Elizer has nobody now and can barely take care of himself in a concentration camp.

chap.9 quote:page 82

Everyday, thousands of prisoners went through the gate and never came back 
What if you had to be evacuated just to be killed? I would be very scared, I don't think I could have made it through all that. several thousand prisoners had been killed. Elizer has been through a lot, his whole family has been killed, he has almost died of starvation an other illnesses.