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Today I am able to

Published on Feb 03, 2016

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Today I am able to
Give phone numbers, the time, the date, and the day
and give e-mail addresses in Spanish

Trabajo de campana!

Write the Spanish number that completes each math equation.

1. ocho + cuatro =
2. veintiuno - doce =
3. treinta - quince =
4. catorce + seis =
5. dieciocho - siete =

Los Numeros

1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez

Photo by M.Peinado

Mas Numeros

11 once
12 doce
13 trece
14 catorce
15 quince
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte

Photo by M.Peinado

Mas numeros

21 veintiuno
22 veintidós
23 veintitrés
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis
27 veintisiete
28 veintiocho
29 veintinueve
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno

Photo by M.Peinado

Escribamos/Hablemos Complete these series of numbers logically. Then read them aloud.
1. 1, 3, __________, 7, 9, __________, 13, 15

2. 2, 4, __________, 8, __________, 12, _________

3. 16, 17, __________, 19, __________, __________

4. 31, 25, __________, __________, __________, 1

5. 19, 18, __________, 16, 15, __________, 13, 12


To ask for phone numbers
¿Cuál es tu teléfono?

To give phone numbers
Es tres-dos-cinco-uno-dos-tres-uno.
¿Cuál es el teléfono de Hunter?
What’s Hunter's telephone number?
Es seis-uno-nueve-uno-cinco-dos-ocho.
It’s 6-1-9-1-5-2-8.



Pick a person from the school directory and ask a classmate if you have the right number for him or her. When you give the number, get one digit wrong. Your partner should correct the number.
—¿El teléfono de Teresa Benavides es uno-uno-
cuatro- siete-ocho-dos-dos?
—No, es uno-uno-cuatro-uno-ocho-dos-dos.

Photo by solofotones

Try to guess the secret number between 0 and 31 that your partner has written down. If you are wrong, your partner will point up or down to indicate a higher or lower number. Keep trying until you guess right. Then switch roles and play again.

Photo by raider3_anime