Today's Goal: Share ideas on what works and what doesn’t work when trying to get our students to give one another meaningful feedback.

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Today's Goal:

I CAN develop and strengthen writing through revision focused on a significant purpose.

Please have your journal, a pencil, and a printed copy of your narrative out. If you have not printed your narrative, go the library and do so now. If you have not written your narrative, then please go next door and work on it today.

Scenario A (journals):

A friend of yours is going to a job interview at a bank. You know he'd be perfect for the job. You see him before the interview and he's wearing a pair of faded jeans and a vintage Ramones t-shirt.

What do you do?

Feedback is tough. It’s hard to genuinely give. And, it’s hard to take.

Photo by timailius

Why are we doing this?

  • Feedback from others is the fastest way to improve.
  • Feedback is how we learn and excel.
  • Feedback motivates us and helps us to get better.
  • Most people don't know how to give effective feedback.

What does a person have to be able to do

before they can give meaningful feedback?
Photo by Tim . Simpson

Giving Feedback

  • Have a specific purpose
  • Use specific vocabulary
  • Pinpoint specific successes and trouble areas

What does a person have to be able to do

before they can receive meaningful feedback?

Receiving Feedback

  • Understand that feedback isn’t about you, it’s about your work
  • Understand that all feedback doesn’t have to be taken, ditch what you don’t like
  • Have a mental stance that this feedback cam make you a better writer

Preparing for RAGs

  • Groups of 3
  • Establish Roles
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Preparing for RAGs

  • Grand Poobah reads RAGs procedure to group stopping at each part
  • Recorder summarizes each part
  • MacGyver staples Feedback Form to the back of each narrative.
  • MacGyver neatly stacks all narratives in the center of the desk.
Photo by prizmcluster


  • MacGyver gives stack of narratives to the next group.
  • Grand Poobah reviews what the group is looking for during Round 1.
Photo by roland

Round One:

Diction (Word Choice)
Photo by !!!! scogle

Which is the most effective use of diction?

Go through each.  Recorder puts notes on each.

Round Two:

Rites of Passage (Separation, Transformation, Return)
Photo by @Doug88888

Round 3:

Syntax (sentence structures and punctuation)
Photo by futureshape

Round 4:


Scott Christensen

Haiku Deck Pro User