Factors affecting intonation
- Posture
- Air Support
- Fingerings/Slide Position
- Instrument*
1. Posture can affect intonation due to it's effect on #2, air support. Poor posture can hinder air production/speed causing notes to sound but without the accuracy required of performance.
2. Air support is crucial for wind players as without proper air use, the vibrations that produce pitch can not vibrate quickly enough, therefore creating pitches with poor intonation.
3. In some instances, incorrect fingerings can adversely affect intonation. Likewise, trombonists must consider slide position at all times as it is capable of playing every variation of a pitch with whatever intonation it chooses. They are much like string instruments in this way.
4. In even more rare instances, the instrument may be the cause of poor intonation. I list it last here because if using this as a checklist, the first three items should be checked prior to consider the instrument for fallacies. If the instrument is determined to be the cause of poor intonation, always check with your director for possible solutions.